Policy support, institutions strengthening and knowledge generation to support EbA project

The component aims to support the institutional capacity of the Gambian Government, line ministries and departments to implement the project and support delivery of results within and after the project period. Some of the desired outputs include strengthening institutional framework, policy support, and supporting knowledge and information sharing on the EbA processes. To achieve this component, some of the activities in place include:

  1. Integrating EbA practices in the ongoing national-level policy, strategies, plans and other processes in areas such as forestry, agriculture, climate change and natural resources management, with an aim to increase the ‘EbA integration score’
  2. Increase the quality and availability of information on EbA process to inform the policy and decision-makers
  3. Increase the quality and availability of information to inform the policy and decision-makers, academia, the general public and other users on EbA processes and commercial viability of the proposed options
  4. Long-term research in collaboration with the communities on ecological and socio-economic impacts of the project impacts and share the results widely with an aim to upscale and replicate workable interventions
  5. Increase the local capacity for project implementation through, among other things, policy awareness and enhanced participation in project execution
  6. Increase the capacity of the Gambia government, line ministries and departments in implementing the project in different intervention sites
  7. Strengthen modalities for implementing related policies through a participatory approach and fair benefit-sharing
  8. Promote knowledge sharing and management, through the strengthening of evidence-based knowledge, research,

In line with activities under component 3, there are several notable achievements that the project has so far recorded. These include:

  1. Establishment of EbA information platform with analytics capacity to generate reports
  2. Production and validation of EbA spatial maps for use by the community in implementing proposed activities
  3. Training of trainers and other users on the EbA information platform to upload relevant data and information and content populating of EbA information in an online platform for ease of sharing and reports generation
  4. Development of database and dashboard for the EbA information platform, including setting up of server and information population
  5. A 2020 national policy discourse on tree cover on farms that brought a wide range of stakeholders into a forum to adopt “The Banjul Resolution on Improving Tree Cover for The Gambia”
  6. in 2021 conference on transhumance, ecosystem resilience, and livestock management was conducted.
  7. 2021 – 2030 Forest policy was developed.
  8. The strategic plan was developed for  MECCNAR Central Project Coordinating Unit (CPCU) in 2021.

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